Wednesday, July 1, 2009

GOa For Goans Overseas

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This images are of currency notes in use in the middle east prior to 1979 . or may be still in use . just that these were kept unspent all these 30 years of transformation of the gulf into the modern states of today, makes it unique and special. These notes might not fetch the value it worth during that period but will definately be precious for some admirer of antiquity.
for more on these write to

Friday, September 26, 2008

GOA for the Goans Overseas

it was always a sad feeling to leave once motherland ,Goa a wonderful place to leave behind and go in search of livelihood, leaving in this beautiful state of Goa our beloved aged parents and family in the safety of fellow Goans. Sons of the soil would toil the gulf region earn hugh amount of money and when they come down were looked upon as the soul of this tiny state of Goa. He would come see for himelf a small piece of land and build a small house out of a small portion of money he earned in the gulf anf the rest would be secured in the bank for his family to utilize untill the time he is on his trip.

It was posible to get whatever he desire for himself and his family for whom he was struggling in the gulf. It was the blood that would flow out in the form of sweat and thats how our forefathers had made this beautiful Goa proud. A goan lad would earn laurels for being sincere and hardworking amongst them all . Also there was a vast tracks of land for the disposal of Goans at large.But Now the situation has change drasticaly , You will find most of the vacant lands in villages/communidades , once owned by batkars are owned by outsiders mainly builders from Delhi and so on. There are big housing colonies owned by these businessman. The buildings are totally occupaied by the rich from all over the country but hardly any goan has the money power to buy a dwelling of his own in those buildings as the rates are in millions . This buildings termed as MEga housing projects have come up or are in progress in the hinter lands , in the villages. Rates of properties have touched the sky in this villages dicouraging the local from entering the fray of propective buyers. Goa is on sale at the property marts at Bangalore, Delh and Pune but these builders do not care to advertise in Goa or even in the gulf as they are not bothered about the local buyer whose purchasing power is nothing agaisnt those money bags from Delhi.

Our beautiful state is not for GOans anymore. YOu will find all types of samaj in Goa blessed by the Politicians for their vote bank policies. GOan land has gone in the hands of the Outsiders mainly because of the local panchayats , then the so called agents (local jobless men ) who crave for hugh commissions and the Politicians who care a damn for GOa while they pass thses mega housing projects in villages putting heavy pressure on the already crippled infrastuture in the villages.

It is time that the Goan community living around the world connect and fatom that what is comming towards us fellow Goans and do something worth doing for our generations to come who will be deprieved of owning a precious piece of LAnd in GOa