Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Herald letter to the editor

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The outburst against Fr. Prakash and the church authority in one of the letter to the editor is so uncalled for. It is this kind of ignorance about the facts surrounding us has made people like the writer just go and vote and not be bothered about to know who they are voting for, we are not bothered to foresee what may come to the minority community if the power is in the hands of the people who were instrumental in 2002 atrocities of the worse nature, were hundreds of people were eliminated not sparing women and children. People who are ignorant of these facts should at least try and get information before attacking the clergy who has been working tirelessly for the upliftment of these very orphan children and adults who were victims of the Gujrat riots. He has been travelling to the other states too .He was in Goa not for any personal gain but to put in some sense into people like us, who might be spending more sleepless nights in the near future not because we have to toil ourselves as usual but for the safety of our own children whom we care and see as the future citizens of this Country. It is always better to get more information about the person you want to see at the helm of affairs, if not for ourselves but for the future of our children.

Alvares CLarence


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Churchil' Revolt

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Mr Churchill is  considered to be the most loyal foot soldier of Goa when it comes to issues facing    the Goans populace. He is known for his kindness and simplicity. Goans have always seen him as the man of the masses. It’s the evolution and the devolution of power that makes any leader great.. He may be down but not out . I as a true admirer would appeal him to save the aggression against Mr Lorenco  for a future date. Support a ferllow Goan who is also concern about the same issues faced by the xasticars be it the airport, securing tthe secular fabric of the state,, MOI ,Mining ,  special status  or the Portugese Passport issue. It is a well know fact that these issues can only be dealt  by either you or Mr Lorenco  and not by the others in the fray who are just there to split the votes and give advantage to the BJP candidate who is in favour of Mopa, whose allies have already given statements saying the PP holders has to be send to Portugal. Whose party ideology supports Akhaand Bharat concept and not special status  in terms of land use  they are in for regularizing all the  illegal houses  by outsiders on goan land  Mining too will be given to the big corporate . I only wish Mr Churchill supports Lorencos Candidature and stands tall in the hearts of every  peace loving  Goans  . My appeal goes to the other xasticar stalwarts like Mr  Avernat Furtado, Mr. Mickey, Mr Caitu.  and  Mr Bengamine. You may be over burdened with the fovours done to your constituency by the govt and you will get to return the favour at a later stage but as of now the people of Goa are looking at your precious moves and expect a lot from you for the sake of Goa’s  bright future