Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Regional Outfit needed for Goans interest

Letters to the editor (12 October 2021) https://www.heraldgoa.in/Edit/Letters/Letters-to-the-editor-12-October-2021/181155#.YWV1bqItAks.twitter

12 Oct 2021  |   05:36am IST

Letters to the editor (12 October 2021)

Letters to the editor (12 October 2021)

Regional outfit needed for Goans’ interest

Does a proud self respected Niz Goenkar need the freebies that the politicians are promising? This shows the mentality of the political class wherein a carrot dangling exercise is being undertaken by most of the insecure political parties who think the otherwise susegad Goan will fall for.

For a true dignified Goan this coming election is not to collect the free goods and services offered by these parties but to vote for the betterment of every Goan child born or yet to conceive to the present generations. Politicians promise the sky that is their forte we as voters have to unite to safe our beautiful Goa for posterity. Our land, our rivers our mountains are being destroyed in the name of development. Land bank kept by our ancestors in form of comunidade has been looted for vote politics. Our women are not safe. Nature destroyed, education system needs total revamp and job oriented. Local Goan businesses, small time farmers, artisans need support and guidance. We have tried and tested the National Parties having their head offices in Delhi but to our dismay the views of the local Goans have fallen on deaf ears. The myth of voting a same political party ruling the centre is also busted since more damage to our motherland has been done during this type of combinations of same party govts ruling centre and State as the State govts become meek to confront the centre on important issues.

Time we Goenkars put in our faith in a Regional Party that will have a Goan heart and mind when taking important decisions pertaining to our little State and people. Big States have regional parties that work for the local people and are weighed well at the centre when it comes to important decision for its people. This election is all about saving whatever little is left of our beautiful State and to pass the same to the future generation which the true Goans can do by voting the right person and party. It’s a state election having local issues.

Time for a revolution, we Goans leaving aside our affiliation to old parties choose a new leader from amongst us someone well educated and has the charisma and vision for Goa. It's now or never for our little Goa and its lovely people.

Clarence Alvares, Sangolda