Tuesday, January 12, 2021

From: Clarence Alvares

Sangolda Bardez Goa


 dt. 12.01.2021


the Editor


Sub: Let Melauli be the torch bearers of environmental co existence to the whole of Goa.


God abodes in villages which has given the poor hardworking natives of Guleli village the power to take the govt. head on when their livelihood was being snatched from them in guised of development.

IIT is a prestigious project and certainly will be a feather in the cap for the current govt. but destroying a forest and the lives of the native residents of the place is not a wise decision. People have been protesting this authoritarian behavior of the govt for the last so many months but still the govt is adamant to bulldoze the protest and put up the IIT by destroying lush green forest along with the lives of the  natives dependants of this natural habitat.

The Police are duty bound but were  very harsh on the poor people especially the women folk out to prove their point of co existence with nature. The enormous support from fellow Goans in spite of Govt dictate of isolating the village from all sides has galvanized into a mega  war like situation the govt won't be able to face . The MLA has a duty to perform towards these helpless villagers who have been living there and cultivating the fields for ages they are the true Rakandars of their forest give them their dues shift the IIT from their village to farmagudi  where there is already a existing campus or someplace where there is less destruction of nature and importantly peoples livelihood. A small ray of hope for the villagers since the MLA is with them battle won only if the project is sifted from there.. Hope better sense prevail upon the government and peoples will upheld.



Clarence Alvares
