Monday, June 1, 2015

Alina saldhans reiterates her stand in oppose marinas

I read with hope the news item on Alina saldhans reiterates her stand in opposing the marinas.  It was the late Mathany saldhanha who was instrumental in getting the catholic voters change their views about the BJP. He would fiercely propagate the saffron brand when on stage during the campaigning of 2012. Such was a situation that on the last day of campaigning he was all out with praising the BJP and give a big list of good that they will do to our Goa, if they come to power. The very next day before leaving to Delhi a top leader of the BJP declined the possibility of giving Goa special statues to Goa saying “If you ask then all others will ask too”. But still Late Mathany went with them. May be he trusted his friend whom he supported all his political years more than anybody else.  With his demise there was nobody to question the Party as and when they went against the wishes of the voters. Mrs  saldhana did not get the desired respect she should have got for being the widow of a person who had gone all out in getting the saffron party elected. Now that she has taken up the late crusaders causes and liking for the environment Goa we can expect  some kind of solace  to the environmental issues bull dozed by the govt. Hope she will get the special status for Goa.