The outburst against Fr. Prakash and the church authority in one of the letter to the editor is so uncalled for. It is this kind of ignorance about the facts surrounding us has made people like the writer just go and vote and not be bothered about to know who they are voting for, we are not bothered to foresee what may come to the minority community if the power is in the hands of the people who were instrumental in 2002 atrocities of the worse nature, were hundreds of people were eliminated not sparing women and children. People who are ignorant of these facts should at least try and get information before attacking the clergy who has been working tirelessly for the upliftment of these very orphan children and adults who were victims of the Gujrat riots. He has been travelling to the other states too .He was in Goa not for any personal gain but to put in some sense into people like us, who might be spending more sleepless nights in the near future not because we have to toil ourselves as usual but for the safety of our own children whom we care and see as the future citizens of this Country. It is always better to get more information about the person you want to see at the helm of affairs, if not for ourselves but for the future of our children.
Alvares CLarence